19 Mighty hath he made his hand, and he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of his heart. 20  He hath put down the mighty from their seat, and hath exalted the humble. 21  Him who hath been hungry hath he filled with good things, and the rich he hath sent empty away. 22 For he keepeth in memory the promises made to Abraham and to his son( [1] ) for ever.’


[2]The warning of the angel Gabriel given to Joseph concerning the conception of the Virgin Mary.

1 Mary having known the will of God, fearing the people, lest they should take offence at her being great with child, and should stone her ( [2] )as guilty of fornication, chose a companion of her own  lineage, a man by name called Joseph, of blameless life :2 for he as a righteous man feared God and soiled him with fasting and prayers, living by the works of his hands, for he was a carpenter.( [3] )

3 Such a man the virgin knowing, chose him for her companion and revealed to him the divine counsel.

4 Joseph being a righteous man,( [4] ) when he perceived that Mary was great with child, was minded to put her away


19 ولقد جعل يده قوية فبدد المتكبر المعجب بنفسه 20 ولقد أنزل الأعزاء من عن كراسيهم ورفع المتضعين 21 أشبع الجائع بالطيبات وصرف الغنى صفر اليدين 22 لأنه يذكر الوعود التي وعد بها إبراهيم وابنه( [5] ) إلى الأبد .

الفصل الثاني

( إنباء الملاك جبريل يوسف بحبل العذراء مريم )

1 أما مريم فإذ كانت عالمة مشيئة الله وموجسة خفيفة أن يغضب الشعب عليها لأنها حبلى ليرجمها  ([6] )كأنها ارتكبت الزنا اتخذت لها عشيرا من عشيرتها قويم السيرة يدعى يوسف 2 لأنه كان بارا متقيا لله يتقرب إليه بالصيام و الصلوات و يرتزق بعمل يديه لأنه كان نجارا ( [7] )3 هذا هو الرجل الذي كانت تعرفه العذراء واتخذته عشيرا و كاشفته بالإلهام الإلهي 4 ولما كان يوسف بارا [8] عزم إذ رأى مريم حبلى على إبعادها 






[1] luke 1 :46 _55

[2] Deuteronomy 22:23,24.

[3] Matthew 13 :55

[4] Matthew 1:15

[5] لوقا :1 :46 ـ 55 .

[6] سفر التثنية 22 :23 ،24            ذ              

[7] متى 13 :55.

[8] متى 1 :19
