

Here are some pages of the manuscript of Barnabas gospel. Every page is accompanied by: A translation to English made by Mr., and Mrs. Ragg, An Arabic translation made by Khalil Sa ‘adah, who is also a Christian. References from Noble Quran, and the Holy Bible to be compared with what is written in the manuscript. Some of which are written by Mr. and Mrs. Ragg, Some are made by Mr. Khalil Sa ‘adah (the translator) ,and some by who wrote this (Writer). When there are more than one opinion the owner of each opinion is shown.

The number of the phrases was made by the translator in the Arabic version , the writer used the same numeration to numerate the English version.

The words which is made in Bold letters (in English and Arabic ) is made by the writer. As to his opinion a better translation , or a better expression than what is written.

the writer will be happy to receive any commitments, comments even if it is criticism.

Hoping that what he has done will be useful ,he hopes peace to all who fear and love God.

S A Fadel


